
Fireside Chat between Richard and Tim Rowe

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Take a few minutes (12 more or less) and enjoy listening to father and son. Dr. Richard Rowe, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Open Learning Exchange and Tim Rowe, Founder and CEO, CIC (fka Cambridge Innovation Center) speak candidly and only as father and son can, about Richard’s life story and how he came to found OLE.   Many a life lesson can be gained in listening to Richard’s fascinating story from Iowa farm boy, clinical psychologist to former Harvard dean and entrepreneur. A tireless 84 year old who, after a decade of review and practice with digital learning, has developed an inexpensive, offline technology, open source software and a transformative theory of change for moving education to learning for all. Enjoy!

Event Fireside Chat with Dr. Richard Rowe of Open Learning Exchange
Series About Social Impact Connect 2017 Hosted by Venture Café Kendall
Date Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 5:30PM – 8:30PM
Place Venture Café Kendall  – CIC at 1 Broadway, Cambridge MA 02142