
Amina M. is 17 years old and is from a poor family that lives in the Ifo camp in Dadaab

Home / Blog / Amina M. is 17 years old and is from a poor family that lives in the Ifo camp in Dadaab
Amina M. is 17 years old and is from a poor family that lives in the Ifo camp in Dadaab

Open Learning Exchange is working with our Somali partners at the Dagahaley, Hagadera and Ifo refugee camps in Dadaab, Kenya, where Planet Learning has been in use for the past three years. During this time, the platform has been used by more than 5,000 young people within the Community Learning Centres that are run by UNHCR

Amina M. is 17 years old. She is from a poor family and struggled in school, failing to pass her exams, which would make it possible for her to continue her education. The Ifo team introduced her to Planet Learning and its digital library of learning resources. Together with her coaches, Amina developed a personal learn plan that enabled her to improve her performance such that she is now one of the strongest academically to join secondary this year! Amina shares:

As a member of the Ifo Community Learning Centre, I have met awesome people that I know I will continue to be friends with. Being a part of the Centre is a thrill and I’m thankful for the experience and all the opportunities I’ve gained from the Planet system.