
Rahma is 19 and lives in the Hagadera camp in Dadaab

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Rahma is 19 and lives in the Hagadera camp in Dadaab

Open Learning Exchange is working with our Somali partners at the Dagahaley, Hagadera and Ifo refugee camps in Dadaab, Kenya, where Planet Learning has been in use for the past three years. During this time, the platform has been used by more than 5,000 young people within the Community Learning Centres that are run by UNHCR

Rahma is 19 and lives in the Hagadera camp in Dedaab.  She arrived at the camp in 1998 along with her family; she is the eldest daughter. Rahma was a stellar learner in primary school and early secondary school, though her situation changed in 2016 when she was pressured to stay home and help with work around the house. Rahma’s mother struggled as Rahma’s sister is disabled, requiring her attention.  Out of school for two months, Rahma’s friend Aisha asked her to join her at the Community Centre library for a ‘girl child training session’ by the OLE team.  She participated in the course, watched related videos, and was in the audience for a show put on by students on the importance of education and how to overcome the barriers that may hold you back. Rahma narrates her story:

After the event, I was struck by emotions and wild feelings of remorsefulness as I missed lessons for a couple of months because of obstacles that I now see I could have overcome, if only I searched diligently for solutions.”

Working with her OLE coaches at Hagadera, Rahma developed a plan with her parents that enabled her to return to school for the following term. Today, she has gained her momentum and is preparing for her final exams.